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 Pathfinder Missions



Time is getting short.  Please Help! 


Tennessee Pathfinders has teamed up with BGMC in Tennessee with a special project number to build a church and roof a school in Panama next February.

If your church can help us by giving to this special project, they will get the same BGMC giving credit they have always gotten from AGWM and the Pathfinder team will get the material money for the project.


The team is scheduled to go to Panama in February.


If you have not designated your BGMC fund Please consider helping Tennessee Royal Ranger with the Panama Project.


Our goal is to raise $20,000 dollars but don’t let that large amount scare you.  Every amount makes a difference.


We are giving away a $1,500 Bear hide to the church that raises the most for this project.



Mike King

Masters-Toolbox-Pathfinders-Projects.pdf (

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